Payment is due on the 1st lesson of the month, or first day of the month for the entire session (4 weeks, 8 weeks or 12 weeks).
Tuition payment are non-refundable. Tuition credits or refunds are not offered when students miss multiple lessons due to illness, scheduling conflicts, or other reasons
We accept cash or checks. Return Checks will incur a $35 charge.
The time scheduled for each student’s lesson is reserved for his or her exclusive use. If you know of a conflict one or two days in advance, a make-up lesson may be arranged. Each student is allotted a maximum of one make-up lessons per session (8 weeks) or two make-up lessons per session (12 weeks). Make-up lessons must happen within the four (4) weeks of the original lesson date or a tuition credit will be given. The time of every teacher is valuable and respected.
Once all make-up lessons have been used, any additional missed/cancelled lessons will be forfeited. It is the student/parent’s responsibility to ask instructor about scheduling such a make-up lesson. We will try our best to makeup the missed class with the teacher or substitute teacher.
**COVID update: all students have been given new protocols for colds and using Zoom. For now, any student with a cold must use Zoom.**
All students can use Zoom at any point, for any reason, with just a moment's notice. This is a new and easy way to deal with situations where a parent can't drive a child to a lesson that week, or timing is tight.
I don’t reschedule or credit for forgotten lessons. I am here waiting, regardless of what you are doing! I will text or email if you haven't shown up or texted with in five minutes of the lesson start. We can always jump on Zoom if you are still at home and available.
If any lesson is missed without notifying the instructor in advance (24 hours), there will be no refund and the student will not be offered a make-up lessons.
we will do a Virtual lesson on Zoom or Facetime for Inclement Weather (such as heavy snow, freezing rain).
Any lesson that is cancelled by the teacher for any non-weather-related reason will be made up or a tuition credit will be given. It will be the teacher’s job to find a time within the student’s schedule. In case of snow days and school holidays, lessons will go on as scheduled unless the teacher gives contrary notification
If for any reason you must discontinue lessons, it must be informed a month in advance. A 30 day written notice is required. Please note that if you choose to terminate temporarily and decide to return at a later date, you may have to be placed on a waiting list if no spot is available.
A student recital will be scheduled in Spring and Winter. Each student performing in the recital will be responsible for a fee of $6.00-$30. This fee is non-refundable even if the student does not perform. In addition to recital, there may be other performance opportunities throughout the years for students. Information and details on these will be made available as they arise. Some of these could include other Recitals, Christmas Caroling, Piano Auditions, ABRSM exam, Piano Auditions exam at West Chester University, Crescendo piano competition, etc.